
State Salaries New Jersey

State Salaries New Jersey - Original source data from 2025: Nj state will certify final charts. State of new jersey government employee salaries. Details include pay, year, job title, department, and more. Click to research over one million salaries of new jersey government. We have 403,973 new jersey employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in nj is $71,661 and median salary is $67,820. Look up nj public employee salaries by. The average employee salary for the state of new jersey in 2025 was $78,012. This is 8. 7 percent higher than the national average for government employees and 12. 4 percent higher. According to data from the bureau of labor statistics, in the fourth quarter of 2023, the national average salary in the united states. Be it enacted by the senate and general. We have 407,432 new jersey employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in nj is $72,237 and median salary is $68,522. Look up nj public employee salaries by. New jersey state employee salaries snapshot (2023) top paid employees. Roth, robert l (2023) clinical psychiatrist brd elig at. This database compiles salary information in new jersey. new jersey public employee salaries snapshot 2025 brings new pay transparency requirements to five states. Labor & employment @lert. Salary schedule lookup find all active salary schedules by employee relations group (erg) by fiscal year : Average government employee salary in nj is $71,661 and median salary is $67,820. Look up nj public employee salaries by. The average employee salary for the state of new jersey in 2025 was $78,012. This is 8. 7 percent higher than the national average for government employees and 12. 4 percent higher. According to data from the bureau of labor statistics, in the fourth quarter of 2023, the national average salary in the united states. Be it enacted by the senate and general. We have 407,432 new jersey employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in nj is $72,237 and median salary is $68,522. Look up nj public employee salaries by. New jersey state employee salaries snapshot (2023) top paid employees. Roth, robert l (2023) clinical psychiatrist brd elig at. This database compiles salary information in new jersey. new jersey public employee salaries snapshot 2025 brings new pay transparency requirements to five states. Labor & employment @lert. Salary schedule lookup find all active salary schedules by employee relations group (erg) by fiscal year : Please select fiscal year : We have 407,432 new jersey employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in nj is $72,237 and median salary is $68,522. Look up nj public employee salaries by. This dataset contains data for state employees paid through the centralized payroll system. The data reflects payroll payments made to the employee for the calendar year through the date. New jersey state employee salaries | 2025. We have 389,729 new jersey employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in nj is $69,223 and median salary is. We publish a file for departments and agencies (agency payroll) that use the stateโ€™s central payroll system and a file for independent authorities (authority payroll) that maintain their own payroll systems. The payroll explorers enable multiple ways to search for payroll data. 21 rowswe have 407,432 new jersey employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in nj is $72,237 and median salary is $68,522. Look up nj public employee.

Original source data from 2025: Nj state will certify final charts. State of new jersey government employee salaries. Details include pay, year, job title, department, and more. Click to research over one million salaries of new jersey government. We have 403,973 new jersey employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in nj is $71,661 and median salary is $67,820. Look up nj public employee salaries by. The average employee salary for the state of new jersey in 2025 was $78,012. This is 8. 7 percent higher than the national average for government employees and 12. 4 percent higher. According to data from the bureau of labor statistics, in the fourth quarter of 2023, the national average salary in the united states. Be it enacted by the senate and general. We have 407,432 new jersey employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in nj is $72,237 and median salary is $68,522. Look up nj public employee salaries by. New jersey state employee salaries snapshot (2023) top paid employees. Roth, robert l (2023) clinical psychiatrist brd elig at. This database compiles salary information in new jersey. new jersey public employee salaries snapshot 2025 brings new pay transparency requirements to five states. Labor & employment @lert. Salary schedule lookup find all active salary schedules by employee relations group (erg) by fiscal year :

State Salaries New Jersey